Our plans for the road ahead
Nonserruptur, cusci rate voluptibus, utenditatque explia natae omniste mpossim re, tem viducit es dus doloris idundel mi, necea experitium, testrum res etum quiduciis eostion estem accum ario cum hadundel mi, necea experitium, testrum res etum quiduciis eostion repraes millam estem accum ario cum harchillab ipicil eicil et lab ilis aspid.
- £0m
£63.0 million Available
undrawn temporary facilities
(Hoxton and Waterloo) - £0m
Strong financial position,
with a total cash balance
of £137 million
Assuming vaccines are available from late 2020 / early 2021
Markets buoyed by recent vaccine developments Vaccines expected to be available from December 2020 onwards
Expected to remain
relatively slowQ2
Expected to mark the return of travel, with
demand growing gradually as time progressesPHASE 1
Some of the measures are eased, not all international markets are yet open
- Hotel room demand to be predominantly domestic from:
- Leisure market (focused on weekends and school holiday periods)
- Business travel from SME segment
- Government and key sectors such as education and health care
- Construction projects related
- Demand for small to medium size meetings
- Demand for restaurants and bars
Further measures are eased, international markets reopen
Phase one travel demand is extended with:
- The addition of demand from neighbouring countries (driving distance and short haul)
- Leisure – domestic leisure and interregional leisure
- Business travel from SME segment plus return of travel demand from some of the larger corporate companies
- Government and key sectors such as education and health care
- Construction projects related
- Demand for small to medium size meetings
- Demand for restaurants and bars
Measures are eased, markets are open and ramp up to full recovery
Phase two travel demand is extended with:
- Demand from international markets including long haul
- International business travel from large corporate companies
- Demand for large meetings and events, including international trade fairs
- Sports and city wide events
- Return of International leisure groups